
Lifeline Canberra Stress Down Day @ Merici

Stress Down Day is a fun and easy initiative designed to reduce stress and raise funds for Lifeline Canberra. Research shows that 90% of Australians need to stress less! What can you do today to stress less? Spend time with friends, eat your favourite food, enjoy nature, hug your best friend, call a family member, or go for a walk. Too many to name, but plenty of options, that hopefully can make their way into your life routine and help you stress less every day.

Student Reflection - Rosemary Zielinski (International Physics Olympiad)

As part of the Australian team for the International Physics Olympiad, I was privileged enough to have the opportunity to go to Israel to compete in the July holidays. This was undoubtedly a life-changing experience: seeing the world, and meeting the world's future scientists. I met passionate students from across the globe, from countries including, but not limited to: Kazakhstan, Brazil, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, South Africa, Germany, Poland, France, Korea, and Israel.

New Mural for #MERICI60

Our 60th Anniversary Mural is now up in the Old Quad. It is amazing and captures the story of the founding 10 religious orders, our Catholic faith, Australia, our indigenous connections, all facets of education, co-curricular activities, sustainability and so much more.

The artists, Hullabaloo Studio, have given us the story behind the many design elements on the mural which can be found in the images.

We would like to thank Christine, Regina and Megan (Hullabaloo Studio) and our art students for creating such a beautiful piece of art!

New Mural for #MERICI60

Our 60th Anniversary this year has provided the College with the opportunity to fulfil our Straregic Plan goal where we are committed to beautifying our school grounds and investing in artworks that celebrate the history and traditions of our Founders.This week we have commenced our second project, to create a mural, which will be situated in the Old Quad adjacent to the existing mural.

We would like to thank families who have finanically contributed to our fundraising for artworks.

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