
The Year in Languages

2023 has been a very exciting year for the Languages Department. We have welcomed two new staff members to our passionate team of teachers: Mr. Giuseppe Battaglia and Mrs. Tina Rodriguez. We have also welcomed back Ms. Sandy Zhai who has been working with the Chinese classes. Ms. Anna Aguizzi and Ms. Esia Grezzi, Italian Assistants with the Dante Alighieri society, have supported students in the classroom. We would like to thank all the Learning Support Assistants who work in our Language classrooms and often learn the language along with the students.

The Year in the Information Centre

Information Centre 2023

The year has flown by. It began busily as always, preparing and distributing over 3,100 textbooks within the first few weeks. Term 1 saw us engaged and celebrating being back at school, displays were created, we set up the WIDE reading program and began the database and research lessons. We also launched the new Senior Study in the old iC lab, new furniture was delivered, and seniors have a new space for quiet study.

The Year in Inclusive Education

2023 has been a year of wonderful expansive endeavours for Inclusive Education at Merici College. With the ever-growing team of professionals, we have seen The Hub, our central location, become a consistent hive of activity for students from across all year groups needing additional support. This space houses many varying aspects of improving learning for students.

Full article attached below.



Mrs Karen Evans,

Inclusive Education Coordinator

The Year in Global Studies

This year, our students were out and about on a range of excursions to enrich their study of humanities and social sciences. We visited museums, parliaments and went on field trips in our local area and well beyond.

History: Sydney, March 2023, by Raechel McKinnon, Year 12

The Year in English

As English teachers at Merici College, we believe the best way that we can empower independence is to provide our students with a foundation of literacy through language and literature. It is through this study of English that we hope to guide our students as they uncover their own perspectives and develop the confidence to express themselves authentically. As such, one of our primary goals is to support our students in finding their own voice.

Merici College Green Tip #50 - A more sustainable Happy Christmas

Christmas is upon us, and there are decorations and preparations all around us.

When it comes to the festive season and spending, it is a useful time to remember that every dollar spent is a vote for the world that we want - ethical, organic, fairtrade, no-waste... more sustainable.

Our spending impact matters - as conscious consumers, our spending influences the global economy.

This season, consider practicing conscious Christmas shopping for a more equitable, kind, regenerative and sustainable world.

Merici College Green Tip #48 - The Seventh Generation Principle

The 7th Generation Principle is an invaluable approach to sustainable resource management which states that:

“In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations.”

The Seventh Generation principle is based on an ancient first American philosophy of the Great Law of the Haudenosaunee, the founding document of the Iroquois Confederacy, the oldest living participatory democracy on Earth.
"We have a duty of care not only to our own children, but to the land and sea that feeds us, and seven generations on."

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