
Merici College Green Tip #36: Sw(op) Shop is back!

It's Sw(OP) shop time!

Start clearing out your unwanted, clean, re-usable items and stand by for donation instructions!

  • Fact: 50% of all fabric ever made is now in landfill.
  • Fact: 30 million pairs of jeans are sold in the world DAILY

Be part of the solution by supporting the annual SW(OP) shop, either by donating, buying for a gold coin, or BOTH.

SW(op) shop will be in Term 4. Date to be advised.

Clean, re-usable donations only please.

Stay tuned... collection point details to be advised.


St Angela Merici Day Fiesta

As the Merici College community gathered on Friday 4 August for St Angela Merici Day, we celebrated the life of Angela Merici, our Patron Saint, who will be remembered as a revolutionary woman and who continues to inspire us each day.

The celebratory activities commenced in Pastoral Care with students gifting a St Angela Merici medal ‘Pray For Us’ to another student in their PC group and exploring our College theme #COMMUNITAS. Students remembered St Angela as an educator of women from all classes of society.

St Angela Merici Day Mass and Christian Service Awards

A very special celebration Mass was held on Friday 4 August to celebrate the Feast Day of St Angela Merici.

We extend our thanks and appreciation to Fr Trenton for celebrating Mass with us, as well as our students and staff. Special thanks are extended to our gratitude to Sr Angela, Sr Frances, Sr Genny and Sr Noelene representing our Founding Orders who were instrumental as the foundresses of the College. We also extend our thanks to our parents who were able to attend.

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