
Merici College Green Tip #30 - Stop Climate Change

According to the Australian Conservation Foundation 350,000 people nationwide participated in last Friday’s student-led #ClimateStrike  the biggest climate mobilisation in Australia’s history.

Thank you to the many Merici students and staff who went to Glebe Park to show their support for urgent action to address climate change.

Adolescent Mental Health and Wellbeing Expo

Merici College, along with the seven other Catholic Secondary Schools in the ACT, have combined to present an Expo for parents and carers on Mental Health Issues affecting our young people.

It will be a great opportunity to meet people from the agencies, hear from special guest speakers and ask questions.

Please RSVP to this event by clicking on the link https://www.trybooking.com/BFLGT.

Student Achievement - Jade Esler joins the RAAF as an Officer Aviation Candidate – Pilot - ADFA

Each year, we have a growing number of students in Year 12 who apply for recruitment to the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) as a pathway for their future career. As part of this recruitment, the Defence Force Academy choose the best students to recognise for their performance in the recruitment process.

Bridge Benefit Fundraising Dinner

We would like to thank our community members who supported our Bridge Benefit Fundraising Dinner on Saturday 14 September in the Merici College Bridge Restaurant. This event is a student-led initiative and is in its fifth year of running with all proceeds to be donated to Barnardos Canberra. We would also like to thank our sponsors who generously donated items for our silent auction.

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Principal's Blog - Fathers are pivotal in their daughter’s lives

At our recent Father Daughter dinner, guest speaker, Patricia Falcetta (https://sociallivingsolutions.com.au/) shared the following with dads – on the evening a few fathers asked for this and I thought it would be excellent to share with you all.

“Fathers are pivotal in their daughter’s lives.  Fathers are very powerful at establishing values for their girls.  Values such as trust, respect, honesty, integrity, racism and generosity.  Modelling is the best way to demonstrate these values. Remember she is watching you!

60th Anniversary Dinner

We would like to thank everyone who attended our 60th Dinner at the Canberra Rex on Saturday 7 September.

Please follow the link http://merici.college/go/-60-dinner-speeches to find the formal speech presented by Mrs Loretta Wholley, Principal. Loretta also presented a speech on behalf of Ross Fox, Director of Catholic Education Canberra.

Our sincere thanks and appreciation to the 60th Organising Committee members:

Helen Beasley, Helen Campbell, Christine Collins, Amy Connellan,

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