
Principal's Blog - Fathers are pivotal in their daughter’s lives

At our recent Father Daughter dinner, guest speaker, Patricia Falcetta (https://sociallivingsolutions.com.au/) shared the following with dads – on the evening a few fathers asked for this and I thought it would be excellent to share with you all.

“Fathers are pivotal in their daughter’s lives.  Fathers are very powerful at establishing values for their girls.  Values such as trust, respect, honesty, integrity, racism and generosity.  Modelling is the best way to demonstrate these values. Remember she is watching you!

60th Anniversary Dinner

We would like to thank everyone who attended our 60th Dinner at the Canberra Rex on Saturday 7 September.

Please follow the link http://merici.college/go/-60-dinner-speeches to find the formal speech presented by Mrs Loretta Wholley, Principal. Loretta also presented a speech on behalf of Ross Fox, Director of Catholic Education Canberra.

Our sincere thanks and appreciation to the 60th Organising Committee members:

Helen Beasley, Helen Campbell, Christine Collins, Amy Connellan,

Merici College 60th Anniversary Mass

This year marks 60 years since the beginning of Merici College. Our community celebrated this milestone at a very special Mass where we reflected on our past, present and future journey from Canberra Catholic Girls’ High School in 1959, to Merici College in 2019 and beyond.

We were very honoured to welcome our Principal Celebrant for the celebration; His Grace, Archbishop Christopher Prowse, and Concelebrating were Bishop Pat Power, Monsignor John Woods and Fr Bernie Patterson together with Fr Emil Milat, Fr Kieran Adams & Fr Paul Nulley from the Central Canberra parishes.

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