
Merici College Green Tip #22 - Can you plant a tree too?

Friday 26th July was National Tree Day!

National Tree Day is a call to action for all Australians to put their hands in the earth and give back to their community.

This year’s Tree Report, entitled Living Cities: Trees in the Urban Environment digs deep into the science on trees and the countless benefits they provide in our urban environment:

Lifeline Canberra Stress Down Day @ Merici

Stress Down Day is a fun and easy initiative designed to reduce stress and raise funds for Lifeline Canberra. Research shows that 90% of Australians need to stress less! What can you do today to stress less? Spend time with friends, eat your favourite food, enjoy nature, hug your best friend, call a family member, or go for a walk. Too many to name, but plenty of options, that hopefully can make their way into your life routine and help you stress less every day.

New Mural for #MERICI60

Our 60th Anniversary Mural is now up in the Old Quad. It is amazing and captures the story of the founding 10 religious orders, our Catholic faith, Australia, our indigenous connections, all facets of education, co-curricular activities, sustainability and so much more.

The artists, Hullabaloo Studio, have given us the story behind the many design elements on the mural which can be found in the images.

We would like to thank Christine, Regina and Megan (Hullabaloo Studio) and our art students for creating such a beautiful piece of art!

Clean Up Australia Day

As part of World Environment Day and our week of War on Waste, Merici College held a ‘whole school' Clean Up Australia by Houses today. We would like to thank the students for supporting this important event.

Merici results at OzClo competition

OzClo (The Australian Computational and Linguistics Olympiad) is an annual competition that challenges high school students to develop their own strategies for solving problems in fascinating real languages. Merici College entered a total of 9 senior and junior teams this year. Six teams achieved Bronze, two teams attained Silver and one team was awarded Gold.

Congratulations girls!

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