
Principal's Blog - Adolescent Mental Health and Wellbeing

In my six years as a Principal, I have been troubled by the rise in the number of students diagnosed with mental health issues.  Only yesterday, an article in our local paper highlighted that 1 in 4 students were struggling with a mental health issue and 1 in 7 students has had an episode in the past 12 months.

Anxiety, stress, relationship conflict, body image, grief, addiction and suicidal ideation – all are on the rise.

Merici College Green Tip #32 - Sw(op) Shop for National Recycling Week

Sw(op) Shop to be held Tuesday 12 November at lunch time in C1/C2!

Donate pre-loved clothes and accessories before Thursday 7 November. Please place items in the clothing bin near Student Services.

Come along to C1/C2 on Tuesday 12 November to Sw(op) till you drop! No charge for items.



Felicity Maher

Sustainability Officer



ACT Science and Engineering Fair Award recipients

At the ACT Science Fair Awards night on Friday, Rebecca Fergusson and Caitlyn Crick both received awards.  Rebecca achieved an Encouragement Award for her investigation into the antibacterial effect of various natural remedies, while Caitlyn received a Highly Commended Award for her study of the strength-to-weight ratio of various beam geometries printed on a 3D printer.  Caitlyn will go on to enter her project in the National BHP Science and Engineering Awards."

Merici College Green Tip #32 - Mobile phones round up!

Actsmart Mobile Round up (National Recycling Week)

 PLEASE TELL EVERYONE to collect their phones to be part of a Guinness world record attempt for the largest amount of mobile phones collected for recycling in 24 hours.

A collection box can be found here at Merici opposite Student Services, next to the Terracycle Oral Care collection. 

Donations accepted until 13 November.

Accepted items include:

Merici College Green Tip #30 - Stop Climate Change

According to the Australian Conservation Foundation 350,000 people nationwide participated in last Friday’s student-led #ClimateStrike  the biggest climate mobilisation in Australia’s history.

Thank you to the many Merici students and staff who went to Glebe Park to show their support for urgent action to address climate change.

Adolescent Mental Health and Wellbeing Expo

Merici College, along with the seven other Catholic Secondary Schools in the ACT, have combined to present an Expo for parents and carers on Mental Health Issues affecting our young people.

It will be a great opportunity to meet people from the agencies, hear from special guest speakers and ask questions.

Please RSVP to this event by clicking on the link https://www.trybooking.com/BFLGT.

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