
Merici College Green Tip #22 - Can you plant a tree too?

Friday 26th July was National Tree Day!

National Tree Day is a call to action for all Australians to put their hands in the earth and give back to their community.

This year’s Tree Report, entitled Living Cities: Trees in the Urban Environment digs deep into the science on trees and the countless benefits they provide in our urban environment:

Lifeline Canberra Stress Down Day @ Merici

Stress Down Day is a fun and easy initiative designed to reduce stress and raise funds for Lifeline Canberra. Research shows that 90% of Australians need to stress less! What can you do today to stress less? Spend time with friends, eat your favourite food, enjoy nature, hug your best friend, call a family member, or go for a walk. Too many to name, but plenty of options, that hopefully can make their way into your life routine and help you stress less every day.

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