
Talk and Tour

For all families interested in learning more about Merici College. The Talk and Tour will consist of a brief introduction to the College by the Principal and a student-led tour.

Years 7/8 School's Parlimentary Debate, ACT Legislative Assembly

Today, at the ACT Legislative Assembly, four Year 7-8 Merici students participated in the School’s Parliamentary debate.

The students got the opportunity to conduct these debates in the main chamber of the Legislative Assembly and the event was moderated by the Speaker of the House.

Six schools participated in the debate this morning, representing schools from Catholic Education, the public and independent sectors. There were three questions up for debate, with schools arguing for and against.

Merici successfully argued that the ACT flag should not be changed.

2021 Creative and Performing Arts Showcase

Henry Matisse said "Creativity takes courage". This year at our Showcase, we see the hard evidence that we have courageously creative students at Merici College. Aren't we privileged to bear witness to this fact this year! I am constantly impressed by the innovative, individual and powerful talent of the media makers, artists, designers, actors, dancers, dramatists, photographers, graphic artists, instrumentalists and vocalists here at Merici.

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