
ANU Maths Day

On Friday May 25th, a team of five of our top senior mathematicians (Lauren Paterson, Bronte Alexander, Ravneet Dillon, Nicole Clough and Rosemary Zielinski) took part in the annual ANU Maths Day among more than 30 other College teams from Canberra and the region.

Green Tip #13 The Carbon Challenge!

The Carbon Challenge!

The ACTSmart Carbon Challenge is just around the corner.

For the month of July, participants compete in a variety of challenges to reduce their carbon emissions.

You can register for the Challenge at https://www.actsmart.act.gov.au/resources/carbon-challenge and sign up to the Merici team by following the “Teams” link.

The schools with the most sign ups and the highest level of avoided emissions, wins some awesome prizes.

A Reflection from Sr Genny Ryan osu from the Australian Ursulines on St Angela Merici Day

Today, here, at Merici College we gather to celebrate the life of a woman known to us as Angela Merici. Angela was born in 1470, in an insignificant farming village called Desenzarno. Later, after the death of her parents she moved to Brescia to live with an uncle.It was not until Angela was 65 years old that she and her friends formed the “Company of St Ursula”.

They were recognised as STRONG, INDEPENDENT, WISDOM women.

Together they promised to devote their lives to

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