
Student addresses Gender Bias in Modern Society

As part of the Australian Government Department of Education and Training Innovation Month, Jade Esler, Merici Year 11 student, addressed Government staff on Tuesday 31 July. The Innovation program includes a number of  interactive workshops and presentations and Jade was invited to speak after she presented a pitch at the TEDx Canberra Open Mic Night. Jade spoke about the Gender Bias in Modern Society, and how it is affecting young children and perpetuating the issue further; how current gender stereotypes can make future equality difficult to obtain.

Academic Awards Semester 1 2018

Celebrating the achievements of all our students!

On Monday 6 August the Merici College school community celebrated the academic achievements of students in Semester 1, 2018 with over 250 students receiving awards that highlight their effort and joy of learning.

Mrs Wholley welcomed all parents, carers and students to the ceremony. She spoke to the community about preparing the students for a complex world.

Grandparent's Day - A Time to be Thankful!

A very special prayer reflection and morning tea were held on Tuesday 31 July with Year 7 students and their grandparents.  This was a wonderful opportunity for students to express their love and appreciation to their grandparents for playing such an important role in their lives. We would like to strengthen the bonds that already exist between our girls and their grandparents. In doing so, our girls will be well on their way to becoming successful women who love God and spread joy as they journey through life.

Merici College Vinnies Sleepout

Canberra’s cold temperatures did not favour Merici College Year 10, 11 and 12 students and teachers who rose to the challenge on Thursday 28 June for the annual Student Vinnies Sleepout.

The group slept outdoors in the New Quad to raise funds for Canberra’s homeless with the aim of promoting awareness within our Merici community of the issue of homelessness and for the students to experience a small part of the reality of homelessness.

World of Maths @ Merici

Numeracy is a compulsory component of our curriculum, and to make numeracy fun and relevant to our students, today the World of Maths roadshow visited our school. This was an ideal opportunity for students to see how maths is applied to some real life situations. More importantly, students were engaged in hands-on activities that catered for all ability levels and probed their problem solving skills. The students found World of Maths highly engaging and demonstrated that Maths can be fun!


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