
International Day

Today our Year 7, 8 and 9 students were treated to a day of fun cultural activities and performances to allow students to appreciate the cultural diversity in our community and society.

  • Iranian Voices
  • Kungfu
  • Trivia: Around the World in 80 Questions
  • International Movie: Children of Heaven
  • Cultural Fair

The canteen served delicious international dishes at lunch. After lunch, students participated in different interactive cultural activities organised by Year 9 students.

Year 7 and 8 Return to School Plan

Next week we welcome back our Year 7 and 8 students from remote learning. We are so thrilled to be able to have all of our community together once again.

We are returning to our regular school timetable for all classes and year groups. Attached is the Return to School Plan for students. Please read this through with your daughter to ensure that the expectations and processes for returning to school are clear.

Thank you so very much for all your support through this difficult time and with the careful return to school.

Kind regards
Anna Masters

Return to School Plan for Years 9 and 10

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are thrilled to be welcoming our Year 9 and 10 students back to school next week. As you can appreciate, there are specific requirements for their return.

Please see below the return to school plan for next week. Please talk through this document with your daughter to ensure that she understands the expectations and how school will operate next week.

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