
Merici College applications for 2023 Scholarships now open

Merici College has a range of scholarships available to support the talents and educational achievements of our girls.

We currently have scholarships available for Year 7 students, Year 12 Vocational Education and Training Scholarship for current Year 11 students, and Scholarships for current Year 10 Students and future Year 11/12 Students.

Please follow the link to find full information on scholarships and the application process.

Merici College Green Tip #6 - International Women's Day

Today is International Women’s Day.The 2022 theme is:“Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”recognising the contribution of women and girls who are leading the charge on climate change adaptation, mitigation, and response, to build a more sustainable future for all.


I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank the students and staff here at Merici, particularly the SAM's (Sustainability at Merici), as well as the Sustainability Captains, past and present, for their contribution. 





GH Nutrition Workshop

Merici College students were blessed to have Georgia Houston from GH Nutrition to share her expertise around building a healthy relationship with food and body image. Georgia spoke about how we could change what we see on social media. Some examples are below.


• Post a mix of photos on social media:

• Show your personality

• Post artistic shots

• Post images of you having fun or visiting cool places

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