
Merici College Green Tip #16 - World Environment Day

Sunday June 5th is World Environment Day.

"Only One Earth" is the campaign slogan for 2022, with the focus on “Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature”.

World Environment Day takes place every year on 5 June. 

It is the United Nations’ flagship day for promoting worldwide awareness and action for the environment. 

Over the years, it has grown to be the largest global platform for environmental public outreach.

Merici College Green Tip #15 - World Turtle Day

Turtles and tortoises are important for the earth and its ecological balance. 

World Turtle Day recognises the significance of tortoises and turtles around the globe. 

World Turtle Day is an opportunity for awareness-raising of the issues surrounding sea turtles, and how to protect their rapidly disappearing natural habitats all over the world.

What can you do?

Avoid the use of single use plastics.

Dispose of rubbish appropriately.

Support the protection of turtles and their habitat.



Merici College Green Tip #14 - Ditch the Scoop

Here is something that we can all do to reduce our plastic waste...

Coles has committed to removing the plastic measuring scoops from Coles Brand laundry powders.

The initiative is expected to save three tonnes of plastic in a single year. 
Use your purchasing power to support sustainability promoting initiatives. 

​A small change we can all make.


Felicity Maher

Sustainability Officer

Merici staff are dedicated to teaching and learning

At Merici College, our goal is to be active role models for your daughters. Our teachers and support staff are committed to personal and professional development and are also travelling along a learning journey. We realise that learning never stops and we have teachers currently graduating and enrolled in courses. They are varied and interesting and all contribute to deepening individual knowledge, which is then shared with your daughters.

Merici College Green Tip #13 - What does your email have to do with CO2?

Spam emails, unread emails, and unwanted emails contribute to carbon emissions.

Emails, texts, and messages are stored in data centres. In 2019, 293.6 billion emails were sent per day. 

Of those 107 billion were spam emails. 

If everyone around the world deleted 10 emails, 

that would cut 39,035 metric tonnes of CO2 which is equivalent

to 19,356 tonnes of coal being burned every day. 


Unsubscribe from emails you don’t need, 

Delete spam emails, 

Merici College Green Tip #12 - Recycle your beauty product packaging

There is still room in the TerraCycle box for you to divert waste from landfill and drop your used makeup packaging for collection in Student Services.

Acceptable packaging includes mascara tubes, lipstick cases, eyeshadow trays, ​any makeup packaging that cannot be recycled through the kerbside collection system. 

TerraCycle is a highly awarded, international upcycling and recycling company that collects difficult-to-recycle packaging and products and repurposes the material into affordable, innovative products.

Felicity Maher
Sustainability Officer

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