
Merici College Green Tip #2 - Our biodiversity restoration project will look like this in 5 years time!

The photo displayed is from the Fowles Street park in Weston which is the inspiration for our project here at Merici.

This was begun only five years ago by Alice Hathorn from ACT Urban Woodland Rescue who is guiding our project.

Valuable ecosystem services have been restored and 12 species of butterfly have returned to the area.

We are looking forward to seeing our hard work translate into the same beautiful outcome!


Felicity Maher

Sustainability Officer

The Year in the Information Centre

The beginning of the year is always busy, preparing and distributing over 1,700 textbooks within the first few weeks. With an unexpected change in staff, it is with thanks to Mrs. Kim Hekimian who kept all staff and students happy, meeting their textbook needs. Term 1 also saw us engaged and celebrating being back at school, displays were created. We set up the WIDE reading program and began the database and research lessons.

Merici College recipient of ACT Government Climate Choices Schools Awards 2022

Congratulations to Merici College who today received Winner Awards in the ACT Government Climate Choices Schools Awards 2022 – Winner Sustainable Leadership Award for the SAM Team, Winner Sustainable Project Award for the Biodiversity Restoration and Re-wilding Project, Sustainable Leadership Award Secondary Student - Colette Paterson, Sustainable Leadership Award Staff - Felicity Maher.

Merici College Music Program

Instrumental and Vocal Opportunities

At Merici College, students have the opportunity to participate in private instrumental lessons to learn a musical instrument or sing with one of our vocal tutors, during school hours on campus. Individual tutor rates are $41 per half hour lessons. Lesson times are rotated to allow for flexibility with school timetabling.

Instrumental Tutors

Merici College Green Tip #37: About toothbrushes...

Your dentist would ideally like to see you change your toothbrush every three to four months. 

That's a lot of plastic waste.

According to the World Wildlife Fund, around 3.5 billion disposable plastic toothbrushes – usually made from polypropylene and nylon which can take up to 500 years to break down in landfill – are purchased each year around the world. 

The vast majority will end up as plastic pollution.

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