
The Year in Sustainability

2023 has been another busy year for the SAM team.  With a small but dedicated team led by Captain Matilda Ross, the award-winning Biodiversity Project has continued, largely maintaining the grounds.  Students have participated in many events on the sustainability calendar including Ride2School Day, Earth Hour, World Environment Day and International Bee Day with funds raised for bee conservation. The Sw(op) Shop was also held to divert clothing from landfill.

Merici College Green Tip #49 - Congratulations to Matilda Ross and the Sw(op) Shop

Sustainability at Merici (SAM) has ended 2023 on a high with Sustainability Captain Matilda Ross announced as the Winner of the Sustainable Leadership Award and the Sw(op) Shop Highly Commended in the Sustainable Schools Program Climate Choices School Awards last Friday.

Congratulations to Matilda!

Thanks to all that have contributed to this great result!

Felicity Maher

Sustainability Officer

Merici College Green Tip #48 - The Seventh Generation Principle

The 7th Generation Principle is an invaluable approach to sustainable resource management which states that:

“In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations.”

The Seventh Generation principle is based on an ancient first American philosophy of the Great Law of the Haudenosaunee, the founding document of the Iroquois Confederacy, the oldest living participatory democracy on Earth.
"We have a duty of care not only to our own children, but to the land and sea that feeds us, and seven generations on."

Merici College Green Tip #47 - Laudate Deum

On October 4, Pope Francis released his apostolic exhortation Laudate Deum, that completes his encyclical Laudato si’ published in May 2015, and is addressed “to all people of good will on the climate crisis”.

The Pope reiterates and further develops the themes from his second encyclical in which he expressed his “heartfelt concerns about the care of our common home”. 

 “I have realised that our responses have not been adequate, while the world in which we live is collapsing and may be nearing the breaking point.”

Merici College Green Tip #46 - Heard the buzz? It's Australian Pollinator Week!

11-19 November is Australian Pollinator Week.

Note the label in the image ...1500 bees visit 25 million flowers to produce 700g of honey! Amazing!

Bees do more than make honey.  

They are intricate architects, unparalleled navigators and hard workers.

These tiny creatures play a vital role in our ecosystems and food supply. 

For more information and activities for Australian Pollinator Week:

Merici College Green Tip #45 - All aboard the no-waste sushi train....

If you eat sushi...

But don't want to contribute to the single use plastic problem.....

​​You can take your own container and set of re-usable chopsticks with you when you know you are planning to order sushi!

You could also take some soy sauce in a container from home and say "no" to the plastic soy sauce fish. 



Felicity Maher
Sustainability Officer

Merici College Green Tip #44 - Please keep your dogs off Merici's Biodiversity Restoration Project

Another five Australian species are at risk of immediate extinction with a further forty-one species on course to be declared critically endangered in 2023, according to the Threatened Species Scientific Committee.

This “demonstrates the very serious and increasing extinction risks to Australia’s biota."

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