
Merici College awarded 2019 ACT Smart Sustainable School of the Year

Congratulations Merici College students and staff, 2019 ACT Smart Sustainable School of the Year! Fiona Buining, Sustainability Teacher, also received a Highly Commended for the Staff Leadership Award. We were also nominated for the Sustainable Project Award for the Tomato Sale.
A special thank you to Fiona and Felicity Maher, Sustainability Officer and the SAM team!!

Merici College Green Tip #35 - Want to join the solution to the plastic problem?

We are all very aware of the problems and challenges facing the ecosystems upon which all life depends. 

Sometimes this creates feelings of being overwhelmed and not knowing what to do. However solutions are emerging.  

Click on the link to discover how Andrew "Twiggy" Forrest, an Australian billionaire and former CEO of Fortescue Metals Group, sees the solution to the plastic problem.

Please take this opportunity to sign up to show your support to encourage companies to make changes.

Sports Awards 2019

2019 was another busy year for Merici College Sport. We had many teams compete at North High School and ACT School Sport events in sports such as athletics, swimming, cross country, soccer, AFL, cricket, hockey, netball, volleyball, touch football, soccer, ultimate frisbee, softball, golf, snow and oztag.

As well as these one-day events, Merici entered teams in volleyball, netball, sailing, rowing, softball, basketball and snow sports as co-curricular weekend activities.

Merici College Green Tip #32 - Sw(op) Shop for National Recycling Week

Sw(op) Shop to be held Tuesday 12 November at lunch time in C1/C2!

Donate pre-loved clothes and accessories before Thursday 7 November. Please place items in the clothing bin near Student Services.

Come along to C1/C2 on Tuesday 12 November to Sw(op) till you drop! No charge for items.



Felicity Maher

Sustainability Officer



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