
Debating Team through to the Finals

We congratulate our two Year 10 Debating teams (Kaitlin McClory, Issy Mahon Matisse Van, Rosie Zielinski, Ella Carmichael, Caitlin Bilton) who debated against each other in the ACT Debating Competition semi-finals. They argued the topic 'That there should be a quota of low SES students attending private schools'.

We are proud to announce that the team comprising Rosie Zielinksi, Ella Carmichael and Caitlin Bilton are through to the grand final next Wednesday, 25 October where they will debate against Gold Creek.

Good luck girls!

Merici Weekly Green Tip #20

Here is our green tip for the week:

Did you know….

Tomatoes originally came from Peru where their Aztec name translated to “plump thing with a navel”.

Tomatoes increase in weight as they ripen, even after harvesting.

Our annual tomato plant sale is on Saturday 28th October at 8am at Merici College - on the corner of Henty Street and Limestone Avenue.


Merici Weekly Green Tip #19

Here is our green tip for the week:

We have set up a soft plastic recycling station at Merici!

Soft or flexible plastics are any plastics that can be easily scrunched into a ball or broken when crushed by hand and includes bread, pasta, chip and lolly packets.

You can drop off your waste at our station located in the front office foyer.

For more info visit


Debating Team makes it to ACT Debating Quarter Finals

Congratulatons to our two Year 10 teams who competed in the octo-finals of ACT Debating. Both came away with the win! Caitlin Bilton, Rosie Zielinski and Ella Carmichael won against an undefeated Radford team arguing the topic ‘This House supports a quota for Indigenous incarceration’.

Kaitlin McClory, Matisse Van Ballegooyen and Isabelle Mahon won against an undefeated Daramalan team arguing the topic ‘That patrol police officers should not carry guns.’

The girls now move onto the quarter finals next term. Fantastic effort girls!

Duke of Edinburgh Student Experiences and Reflections

The Bush Prac weekends are designed to extend the navigation and survival skills of the Duke of Edinburgh participants and act as the practice journey towards their Bronze Award. Two weekends were held this year out at Wee Jasper, NSW. A number of new Marist and Merici students participated in hiking, river crossings and survival scenarios. They were joined by a number of older students who helped to run the weekend. Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers who make these adventures possible!

Merici Weekly Green Tip #17

Here is our green tip for the week:

Did you know….

In the A.C.T. you can recycle your disposable coffee cups!

The A.C.T. Recycling Centre has equipment designed specifically to break-down and recycle this material.

But …. KeepCups are still more environmentally friendly and a great idea for a Father’s Day gift!


Bec DeCourcy

Sustainability Officer

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