
Merici College Green Tip #5 - World Wildlife Day March 3rd

March 3 is World Wildlife Day. 

This United Nations International day celebrates the world's wild animals and plants and the contribution that they make to our lives as well as to the health of the planet.

Our biodiversity restoration project here at Merici supports World Wildlife Day by restoring habitat and food sources for wildlife.

Copy and paste this link for a one minute film clip

Felicity Maher
Sustainability Officer

Merici College Student Achievements at Canberra Show

Congratulations to all our students who entered their work for displays at the Canberra Show. All the entries were exceptional and we thank you for your dedication to your studies of Textiles and Fashion at Merici College. We would also like to thank over 40 students who volunteered to help at the Show, through the exceptional organisation and support of Maria Georgiadis, Year 12 students. All our students were wonderful ambassadors for Merici College and eagerly supporting and assisted at stalls.

Merici College Green Tip #2 - Our biodiversity restoration project will look like this in 5 years time!

The photo displayed is from the Fowles Street park in Weston which is the inspiration for our project here at Merici.

This was begun only five years ago by Alice Hathorn from ACT Urban Woodland Rescue who is guiding our project.

Valuable ecosystem services have been restored and 12 species of butterfly have returned to the area.

We are looking forward to seeing our hard work translate into the same beautiful outcome!


Felicity Maher

Sustainability Officer

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