
St Vincent de Paul Door Knock Appeal

Merici College students participated in the St Vincent de Paul Doorknock Appeal on 15th February. 30 students went out into Ainslie and Campbell to raise money for the support services the St Vincent de Paul Society provides to the Canberra community. Despite feeling nervous, these students rose to the challenge and returned with stories about the surprising generosity they encountered.

Great results for students at the Canberra Show

Congatulatons to our Textiles and Fashion students who have excelled themselves at the 2017 Canberra Show and it was a delight to see them so excited to see their entries hung and displayed so beautifully. A congratulations needs to be extended to all students in Textiles and Fashion who entered especially the students listed below.

We have some special winners:


Student champion 18 years and under - Tyniah Morrison for her decorated cushion ( she won a sewing machine for herself and one for the school)

2nd for her decorated cushion- Tharushi Jayasekara

Merici Weekly Green Tip #2

Here is our green tip for the week:

Do you feel like learning some sustainable skills?

The Canberra Environment Centre has some wonderful workshops on offer, including baking sourdough, identifying and cooking with weeds, backyard bee-keeping and heaps more.

Head to their Facebook page @canberraenvirocentre to find out more.



Bec DeCourcy

Sustainability Officer


Merici Weekly Green Tip

Here is our green tip for the week:

Did you know…

You can recycle soft plastics at Coles
Supermarket in Canberra??

Coles has partnered with REDcycle to collect plastic that can’t be recycled at home.

You can take in your soft plastic, such as plastic bags, plastic food wrapping, snap lock bags, which is used to create furniture for schools, preschools and community groups.


Bec DeCourcy, Sustainability Officer




2017 Mathematics@Merici

This year will be one of challenge and growth for students and teachers of Mathematics at Merici College. The Maths Faculty are offering real opportunities for all the girls to participate, to improve their confidence, knowledge and problem solving skills. To do this we are embracing change while refining our core practises.

2017 Swimming Carnival

Congratulations to all our students on their wonderful participation at the Swimming Carnival on Wednesday 8 February. We would like to congratulate the following champions:

Champions Trophy

1st: Ningil

2nd Seiwa

3rd Brescia

Age Champions:

12yrs Chloe Petropoulos

13yrs Charlotte Towner

14yrs Anita Manning

15yrs Alexandra Rushton

16yrs Claire Molineux

Opens Caitlin Manning

Spirit Cup

1st Balgo

2nd Seiwa

3rd Brescia

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