
Merici Students Set Off for China!

On Saturday 1st of April nearly two years of preparation by Mrs Jen Baines and Mrs Corinne Preston came to fruition as eight of the nine Merici students and their families gathered at the Jolimont Centre in Civic (the ninth student was already in Sydney!). A total of nine Chinese students from Years 9 to 12 are now on their way on Merici’s first Study Tour of China! The amazing teacher team has travelled together before, to Japan last year, so the students are in good hands. The Chinese students will undertake a 20-day Study Tour of China.

Open Day

We're excited to announce our new Open Day website. For up-to-date information on our Open Day, access to online registration for Be a Merici Girl days and Information Nights, online bookings for our Bridge Restaurant and much more. Visit the site today!

ACT Head of the Lake Rowing Regatta for schools

Congratulations to Alexander Moylan (Year 11) who raced in the ACT Head of the Lake Rowing Regatta for schools on Saturday 11 March.  Alexander beat a full field of scullers from other ACT schools to win the Year 11 and 12 Schoolgirls Single Sculling racing She has been training all year on Lake Burley Griffin and will finish off her season by racing at the NSW Grade Championships next month on the Sydney Olympic course. We wish Alexander all the best in her future endeavours.

Merici Weekly Green Tip #5

Here is our green tip for the week:

Interested in growing produce but don’t have the right space or skills?

Canberra Organic Growers Society (COGS) operates 12 community gardens in Canberra and has lots of resources, tips and events for budding gardeners.

Find out more at or




Bec DeCourcy

Sustainability Officer


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