
Memories@Merici 50th Reunion of the Class of 1967

Over the weekend of 27-28 October 2017, the Class of 1967 gathered in Canberra to catch up and celebrate 50 years of life since our school graduation. We were privileged to have three of the nuns who taught us join in the celebrations. Mother Anita our Head Teacher, Sister Angela Mary (affectionately known as Sam) who taught us Mathematics and Sister Eugene who taught us Ancient History.  Class members travelled from Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales to join their Canberra cohorts.

Sports Awards 2017

The annual Merici College Sports Awards presentation night was held on Thursday 2 November. Throughout 2017 many of our students have taken up sporting opportunities offered at Merici.  Merici competes in up to 50 interschool events throughout the year with students displaying their talents in several of these of sports. We also have several co-curricular sporting teams, Netball, Basketball, Volleyball, Hockey, Futsal and Snow Sports that compete in ACT and NSW weekend competitions.

The feast of All Saints Day

Today we celebrate the feast of All Saints Day. It recognises all those who have entered heaven, including saints who are recognised by the Church and those who are not.

In the New Testament letters and throughout the early Church, the word “saint” was used for anyone who has trying to live as a committed Christian and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.

All Saints Day reminds us of our own potential. Of what might become of us if we choose the path of faith, hope and love.


Merici's Sustainability Captain receives the ACT Senior School Student Sustainability Award

On Friday 27 October, Merici Sustainability Captain Julia Heather was named as the winner of the ACT Senior School Student Sustainability Award. The award was part of the Conservation Council’s annual Environment Awards, and recognises ‘an individual who is an ACT high school or college student living in Canberra or our region who has made an outstanding contribution to sustainability initiatives and protecting our environment in the past 12 months’. Year 10 student Caitlin Treble was also a finalist for the award.

Merici Weekly Green Tip #21

Here is our green tip for the week:

Spring is in full swing in Canberra and there are lots of bees  buzzing around helping to pollinate our plants!

However, bee populations are under serious threat from habitat destruction and pesticides which the puts the future of food production under stress.

To support native bees, you can plant “bee-friendly” species such as basil, rosemary, lemons, chillies, eucalypts and foxglove.

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