
ACT Schools Mountain Bike Championships

A brave call was made not to cancel the Mountain Bike Championship this year! So Charlotte Farrell, Tara Maguire, Fey Etherington, Jess Kalthofen, Hannah Iles and Laura de Puit braved some shocking weather to ride with nearly 700 other high schoolers at Stromlo.  The race was shortened to 2 hours as riders were shaking with cold being soaked and splattered from head to toe with mud.  But fun was had by all and the girls placed a very impressive 4th and 6th in their all female category, competing against ACT and NSW teams.  Well done girls!

SolarHub PV solution for Merici College

We are thrilled to announce that as of January 2019, Merici will be home to a 93kW Solar Photovoltaic system!

We currently have a small 5kW Solar PV system on campus, which was installed back in 2010 under the National Solar Schools grant program. This system only offsets about 1% of our electricity usage. Our new system will offset approximately 20% of our energy usage.

The amount of CO2 emissions we’ll avoid is equivalent to taking 27 cars off the road per year!

Local solar panel heroes, Solar Hub will begin installation from December this year.

Book Week

Thank you to all the students and staff who supported Book Week last week. All week the library has been a hive of activity with scavenger hunts, book quizzes, celebrity heads and of course our very positive Book Week Parade on Wednesday. It was a huge success with great characterisation and costumes, and lots of fun had by all. Congratulations to all winners; the photo above is of the most creative group: Alice in Wonderland from Year 8.

Image gallery:

Year 10 Creative Voices - Brigitte Sander's 'Camille's Meadow'

To continue our series on Year 10 Creative Voices, this week we showcase Brigitte Sander’s piece titled Camille’s Meadow which uses the Romantic genre to explore nature and love. As part of the English Curriculum last Semester, students were asked to write a sustained piece of prose fiction. This is the only class that offers students the opportunity to write extended pieces of creative writing.

We look forward to continuing to provide you with the opportunity to read these beautiful pieces of writing and see just how talented our girls are in English!



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