
Merici College Green Tip #36: It's Sw(OP) Shop time!

It's Sw(OP) shop time!


Fact: 50% of all fabric ever made is now in landfill.

Fact: 30 million pairs of jeans are sold in the world DAILY

​Going Circular documentary film, 2022

Be part of the solution by supporting the annual SW(OP) shop, either by donating, buying for a gold coin, or BOTH

Clean, re-usable donations only please to the collection bin opposite Student Services.


Felicity Maher
Sustainability Officer

Introducing our 2023 College Captains … Alara Salvage, 2023 Narragunnawali Captain

Narragunnawali Captain

Name: Alara Salvage

Dream job: Project Manager in construction (aka. Bossing around tradies all day)

One place you want to travel to: Anywhere with a good beach! 

Hobbies: Soccer, craft and annoying my two younger brothers                                 

Favourite food: Carbonara pasta                                                 

Favourite movie: 10 things I hate about you or Star Wars 6

Year 12 Farewell Assembly

On Friday 11 November, our community officially farewelled our Year 12 students at a very special assembly. The students also presented a beautiful gift to the school, a large spun Copper Bird Bath Dish which will be placed in our garden. We also celebrated the achievements of all our Houses at the Swimming Carnival and announced the winners of the 2022 College Cup!

Congratulations to:


Swimming Carnival Champions: Tullow House

House Spirit Award: Tullow House

Introducing our 2023 College Captains … Matilda Ross, 2023 Sustainability Captain

2023 Sustainability Captain

Name: Matilda Ross

Dream job: Maybe a museum curator or archaeologist

One place you want to travel to: Italy

Hobbies: Reading, sewing, ballet

Favourite food: Roast Chicken and Pavlova

Favourite movie: The Princess Bride and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Favourite book: Watership Down

Favourite singer: Billie Eilish

Introducing our 2023 College Captains … Chloe Rushton, 2023 Transitions Captain

2023 Transitions Captain

Name: Chloe Rushton

Dream job: Corporate lawyer

One place you want to travel to: UK

Hobbies: Gym, Reading, Soccer

Favourite food: Garlic bread

Favourite movie: Pride and Prejudice

Favourite book: Twisted love

Favourite singer: Taylor Swift and Arctic Monkeys

Favourite song: R U Mine? - Arctic Monkeys

Counsellor's Corner - Social Media and Sharing Photos

In my role as College Counsellor, I am privileged to gain insight and understanding about common problems and challenges that our students face daily. Themes of loneliness, stress, anxiety, time management, friendship challenges, poor self-esteem and being highly self-critical are common matters that I hear about. Often, we can draw lines of connection between these feelings and their social media use. 

2022 Swimming Carnival Results

This year’s Swimming Carnival was held at Civic Pool on Monday 7th November, after postponement due to COVID restrictions in Term 1. Thankfully the weather Gods were on our side, and all enjoyed a beautiful day competing in races and/or having fun through involvement in a variety of novelty events. Congratulations to all students, there was certainly an abundance of community spirit, and everyone had an enjoyable day.

Championship Trophy

1st           Tullow

2nd          Penola

3rd           Seiwa

Introducing our 2023 College Captains … Matilda Hanley, 2023 College Vice Captain

College Vice Captain

Name: Tilly (Matilda) Hanley

Dream job: Psychiatrist

One place you want to travel to: Italy

Hobbies: Reading, singing and being generally obsessed with my dogs

Favourite food: Pasta or ANYTHING sweet

Favourite movie: I don’t really have one… there are just too many to pick from

Favourite book: So hard to pick!! But one of my favourites is Carry On

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