
Merici Green Tip #14 - The Story of Plastic

On Friday 22 May from 2pm, you’re invited to a special online screening of THE STORY OF PLASTIC, a new  documentary film by Deia Schlosberg which exposes the local and global environmental,  climate, justice, and health impacts of the plastic industry.  The film aired on the Discovery  Channel on Wednesday 22 April at 2pm ET/PT in honour of Earth Day, and is available on demand at Discovery Go.  But Merici has organized an additional screening  to make it available to wider audiences and let groups in the growing plastic resistance  movement interact with the filmmakers and film subjects.

Merici College Green Tip #12 - A thought for the bees....

Bees are critical in the supply of our food and do it all for free. Hence World Bee Day.....

The main purpose of World Bee Day events is to spread awareness of the significance of bees and other pollinators for our survival. Simply proclaiming World Bee Day does not do much for bees and other pollinators; the main work of safeguarding their existence still needs to be undertaken. World Bee Day is an excellent opportunity to put bees at the centre of the national conversation for a day and encourage actions that create more bee-friendly landscapes.

Merici College Green Tip #12 - Sustainability measures in action at Merici

Here at Merici we look for efficient, sustainability promoting opportunities where possible.

Recently the installation of solar film (NS-18) on all windows in all six Tullow classrooms was completed.   

This will improve thermal comfort for staff and students in those rooms by a significant factor – especially in the warmer months.

The window tint was originally planned for the Brescia and Penola classrooms, however new double glazed windows were chosen instead to improve sound insulation due to traffic noise from Limestone Ave.

Merici College Green Tip #11 - Your soft plastic waste can become something useful!

Do you know that you can recycle your plastic packaging through REDcycle with collection points at most Coles stores?

RED Group is a Melbourne-based consulting and recycling organisation which has developed and implemented the REDcycle Program; a recovery initiative for post-consumer soft plastic.

Merici College Information Session Thursday 7 May

Our students aspire to take up their place as young women in our society, who reach out to others and are a powerful voice for those less fortunate. Our College vision statement is Love life, have hope, be faithful and build futures more wondrous than you dare to dream. We challenge students to pave the way for future generations of women - we call it "standing on the shoulders".

Learn more at our Information Session tomorrow 12.30pm and 5.30pm (via Zoom). Register at [email protected]

IB Learner Profile and Remote Learning

Across the IB programmes at Merici College, the MYP and the DP aim to foster a set of distinct attributes which inspire students to be active, compassionate, life long learners. These qualities aren’t left at the door of the classroom, rather they shape all aspects of student life. Made up of ten aspirational qualities of the learner, the Learner Profile motivates teachers, schools and students to be more internationally minded.

Green Tip #10 - Take a break and scrub up!

Welcome back to Term 2.

In the midst of a pandemic and with climate change in the background, sometimes our minds need a break.

For something fun to do while at home that only needs ingredients that you probably have on hand, how about a home-made face scrub?

Click here,

Not only is it good for your skin, it reduces packaging, there are no plastics and microbeads, no fragrances, no parabens or other questionable ingredients.

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