
Year 7 and 8 Return to School Plan

Next week we welcome back our Year 7 and 8 students from remote learning. We are so thrilled to be able to have all of our community together once again.

We are returning to our regular school timetable for all classes and year groups. Attached is the Return to School Plan for students. Please read this through with your daughter to ensure that the expectations and processes for returning to school are clear.

Thank you so very much for all your support through this difficult time and with the careful return to school.

Kind regards
Anna Masters

Welcome Defence School Mentor (DSM)

Hello, my name is Kate Friend and I’m very excited to be your new Merici College Defence School Mentor (DSM) at Merici College. This is my first role as a DSM. I have spent many years developing food products as a Food Technologist living in three different countries, plus Australia. More recently I have been a Food Technology teacher, I really enjoy seeing young people learn and grow.


Merici College Green Tip #33 - Sw(op) Shop Time!

Are you ready for the much-awaited annual Sw(op) Shop?

Bring your donations to Student Services, next to the First Aid Room, and deposit in the black bin.

You can help to divert 6000 kilograms of clothing waste being sent to landfill every ten minutes in Australia. 

That looks like the above image!!



Return to School Plan for Years 9 and 10

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are thrilled to be welcoming our Year 9 and 10 students back to school next week. As you can appreciate, there are specific requirements for their return.

Please see below the return to school plan for next week. Please talk through this document with your daughter to ensure that she understands the expectations and how school will operate next week.

Student Achievements - Australian Mathematics Competition


Congratulations to the following students who a achieved a Credit or Distinction in the Australian Mathematics Competition held in Term 3: Ashley Frater, Amelia Bond, Lana Dexter, Saanvi Bajaj, Ruofei Yan, Ruby Alexander, Keely Balind, Sofia White, Hannah David-Hoole, Ishita Gupta, Rebecca Price, Hannah Scott, Alice Cobbin, Tara Holmes, Amelia Miller, Ruby Budd, Seren Rowlinson and Catherine Brooker.



Merici College Green Tip #31 - A better toothbrush? On special this week.....

​Australia has a population of over 23 million people.

If every citizen uses only one toothbrush each year - a conservative estimate - Australia’s 23 million toothbrushes would amount to about 350 tonnes of landfill waste annually. On a global scale, the world population of well over 7 billion people will generate over 100,000 tonnes of toothbrush waste if every individual were to use only one toothbrush each year.

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