
Meric College Green Tip #1 - Welcome back with our new Terracycle collection

Welcome to 2022!

Reducing waste to landfill is a key action that we can all take to reduce our environmental impact.  

To go beyond our kerbside collection options, and to kickstart our focus on waste reduction this term, we are pleased to offer four options for collection here at Merici:

Oral care waste, container lids, makeup packaging such as eyeshadow trays and mascara tubes, and disposable masks. 

Please click here to view our Green Tip!

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Award Ceremony

On Thursday 27 January 2022, IB DP students, their families and staff attended a very special IB DP Award Ceremony in celebration of the academic achievements of our IB DP students.

Preashika Dhakal, Isabel Frugtniet. Jia Li Norris and Gabrielle Reynolds are Merici College’s first cohort to complete the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme at Merici.

A snapshot of Class of 2021 Academic Achievements

Congratulations to our Year 12 Class of 2021 for their exceptional academic achievements. Four students successfully completed the IB Diploma Programme. All four of these students attained an ATAR well above the Australasian average.69 students received their Year 12 ACT Senior Secondary Certificate. 47students completed a Tertiary Package and received an ATAR. 22 students completed Accredited Packages, which included Vocational qualifications.Our highest ATAR was 99.10. Our median ATAR was 79.3 and our average ATAR was 78.64. 20% students received an ATAR of 90 or higher.

Feast Day of St Angela Merici

Today we celebrate the Feast Day of our patron saint Angela Merici and her vision for education and her unique model of spirituality. She continues to be the inspiring model on which we base ourselves. Her love and sensitivity to human needs won her the title "Madre Angela" from the people of Brescia, Italy.

Uniform Shop closed today

Due to isolation requirements, the uniform shop will not be open today, Wednesday 19 January. As this was an appointment-only day, please check your email if you had a appointment for the alternative arrangements. We do apologise for any inconvenience caused.

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