
Merici College Green Tip #36: Sw(op) Shop is back!

It's Sw(OP) shop time!

Start clearing out your unwanted, clean, re-usable items and stand by for donation instructions!

  • Fact: 50% of all fabric ever made is now in landfill.
  • Fact: 30 million pairs of jeans are sold in the world DAILY

Be part of the solution by supporting the annual SW(OP) shop, either by donating, buying for a gold coin, or BOTH.

SW(op) shop will be in Term 4. Date to be advised.

Clean, re-usable donations only please.

Stay tuned... collection point details to be advised.


Merici College Green Tip #35: Calling all unwanted stockings, beauty product packages and toothbrushes!

A reminder and call for contributions to the waste diverting recycling programmes that you can access at Merici.

Available until the end of term 3.

For more information:

MECCA Beauty Product Free Recycling Program · TerraCycle

Oral Care Free Recycling Program · TerraCycle

St Angela Merici Day Fiesta

As the Merici College community gathered on Friday 4 August for St Angela Merici Day, we celebrated the life of Angela Merici, our Patron Saint, who will be remembered as a revolutionary woman and who continues to inspire us each day.

The celebratory activities commenced in Pastoral Care with students gifting a St Angela Merici medal ‘Pray For Us’ to another student in their PC group and exploring our College theme #COMMUNITAS. Students remembered St Angela as an educator of women from all classes of society.

Academic Awards Ceremony Semester 1 2023

We entend our congratulations to all our students for their academic achievements throughout Semester 1, 2023.

On Tuesday 1 August, we gathered as a community to congratulate and celebrate students who have a high level of academic achievement across all subjects and students who were recognised by their teachers in individual subjects in Semester 1.  Year 7 students received awards for the first time which always bring some extra excitement.

Student Achievement - Hair Donation to Wigs for Kids

Congratulations and thank you Ruby Brayshaw (Year 8) who had a significant hair cut during the school holidays. Ruby has always had long hair and this haircut was a big decision, made to benefit someone else. She cut off 40cm of her hair to donate to ‘Wigs 4 Kids’, her hair will be made into a wig for a child who is undergoing cancer treatment. Ruby hopes the wig will help to make the difficult journey through cancer treatment a little easier for the recipient. To donate your hair it needs to be at least 20cm length.

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