The Year in HPE @ Merici

Promoting healthy and active lifestyles we aim to provide our girls with opportunities to become holistic, engaged, active, resilient thinkers.


The innovative Merici College Physical Education Department strives to provide an environment that encourages lifelong physical activity, safety and wellbeing. Promoting healthy and active lifestyles we aim to provide our girls with opportunities to become holistic, engaged, active, resilient thinkers. (Heart).

The subject that builds futures! HPE is a lesson where girls can play, be social, get sweaty, and have some fun. However, as an academic subject, Physical Education serves a purpose that goes well-beyond these points. Quality Physical Education is the basis for healthier, happier and more productive lives, and everything starts at school. It has the potential to accelerate COVID recovery efforts and help engineer a “new normal”.  As Physical Educators in the COVID Pandemic, teachers have been open-minded and creative with the activities presented to students to enjoy at home. We were very inspired by the student’s flexibility and innovation from frying pan tennis, flip the towel relays and solo aero gymnastics routines created with flair.  Here are a few things we would like to share about the quality Health and Physical Education program at Merici College:

It supports lifelong health - Girls who experience positive experiences in physical activity early on in life are more likely to be self-motivated to be active throughout their lifetime. There were many students who were able to demonstrate their effective self-management skills during lockdown and recognise the benefits of incidental exercise.

It supports the development of balanced Individuals -The focus of the Merici College physical education programs goes beyond just physical skills. Our quality programs help foster social, emotional, and mental skills that can help students develop resilience and their capacity to effectively navigate all of life’s challenges. Year 9 students enjoyed the challenge of developing Healthy Minds and Bodies.

It promotes equity and social justice -School is the only place where all children - regardless of their race, gender, or socio-economic status - can develop their physical literacy. P.E. programs provide them with the experiences that they need to thrive and grow. In 2021, our Year 10 group explored the power of sport to build a common humanity, break down barriers and unite global communities.

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Emma Kennedy

HPE Coordinator

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