Destination Report Class of 2019 - Where are they now?

Our median ATAR was 80.98. Seventeen (26%) students received an ATAR of 90 or higher.

Merici College congratulates every student on their personal and academic achievements for 2019.

More than 70% of students set their goals on achieving an ATAR in 2019 and all achieved this milestone. Our median ATAR was 80.98. Seventeen (26%) students received an ATAR of 90 or higher. Thirty-Six (55%) students received an ATAR of 80 or higher. 94% of students who sat for the AST and completed a T Package received an ATAR of 65+., this is an outstanding achievement. In this cohort of 94 students, 97% of students received a Vocational Qualification and this was well above the next in line College in the ACT. 95% intend to continue in some form of recognised education and training in the year after they have left school. Of that 95%, 8% will combine full- time employment and study and this includes Traineeships in industry (trades and childcare) and with the Department of Finance, Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business and the Department of Cyber Safety and Security. 57% will go directly into further study at university(combination of university, CIT/TAFE or a private provider for traineeship. 5% have moved into full-time employment.

We wish our Class of 2019 lots of sucess and happiness in their futures!

Full 2019 Destinations Report





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